trackdown 1.5.1

trackdown 1.5.1

trackdown 1.5.0

new feature open by @maelle

trackdown 1.4.0

trackdown 1.3.4

Highlight citation tags and equations when using rich_text

trackdown 1.3.3

Fix issue indented code. Now it is correctly recognized.

trackdown 1.3.2

Update privacy policy Trackdown R Package client API required scopes.

trackdown 1.3.1

Fix default gfile name in render_file() pull request #30 (by @mone27)

trackdown 1.3.0

Introduce the rich_text feature and uses its own API credentials (see Issue #28)

trackdown 1.2.1

Corrige output message pull request #29 (by @chainsawriot)

trackdown 1.2.0

Introduce the force argument allowing users to skip confirm checks about overwriting documents (see Issue #27).

trackdown 1.1.1 (CRAN release)

Fix issue encoding in Windows. Now trackdown does not assume "UTF-8" encoding but it relies on "native.enc".

trackdown 1.1.0

New features:

Argument hide_code = TRUE can now be used regardless of whether the file contains header code and/or chunks or not. This fixed the issues #22 and #24.

trackdown 1.0.2

Fix issue #21

trackdown 1.0.1

Fix issue #17 and issue #19

trackdown 1.0.0 (CRAN release)

Initial CRAN release

Minor changes to fix cran checks:

trackdown 0.1.1

Following the release of googledrive version 2.0.0 (link), on which trackdown is based to interact with Google Drive, we updated the internal functions. In particular:

trackdown 0.1.0

Stable version after the full revision of the package previously named rmdrive

The workflow follows the same idea as before, but there are several new features and changes. The main ones are: